Heirloom Arts
Aftercare Instructions
Congrats on your new tattoo! The first few days after getting your new ink are some of the most important.
There are two types of wrap we use at Heirloom, a regular soaker pad and second skin products, mainly DermShield and Sorry Mom! brand. There are different aftercare instructions for both products, please scroll to the one that is applicable to your new tattoo.
Important note: These are general/vague instructions, your artist will go over aftercare with you directly, as aftercare can change between different tattoo locations and styles!
Always ask your artist for clarification if you are confused or before you do something differently than instructed.
Regular Wrap Instructions:
Before you get home, make sure that you have access to an antibacterial, non-foaming, unscented hand soap, and a light, unscented lotion–we love anything with coconut butter. We typically recommend against using Aquaphor or petroleum-based products; you want something light for healing.
Once you are ready to take off the soaker pad (usually between 2-12 hours after your tattoo), wash your hands thoroughly and remove your bandage. Wash your tattoo with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water, and pat dry with a paper towel–avoid using cloth towels, as they can leave behind fibers, pet hair, or bacteria.
For the next 3-4 days, wash your tattoo in the same manner every 3-5 hours: this helps rinse any excess ink or plasma and will help prevent scabbing.
After a few days, your tattoo will become flaky, and you can reduce the amount of washing to once in the morning and once at night.
Do not pick at the tattoo or try to “help” peel any flaking off, this will damage your tattoo and lead to ink loss.
Once the flaking stage has started, you can start to apply small amounts of unscented lotion–if you see streaks in the product, you have used too much and you will need to remove some of the lotion. Avoid over-saturating the tattoo with lotion or using a heavy petroleum-based lotion, as it can also cause ink loss.
Your tattoo may become itchy during healing. It is important that you do not scratch at it, do not mess with it, and generally leave it alone. If you have to, wear looser long sleeves/pants, or clothing that do not allow you to have easy access to the tattoo!
For the entire month after your tattoo, do not go swimming, take baths (showers are fine), or submerge the fresh tattoo in water that is not running. Water can carry bacteria and submerging can still lead to infection even if the flaking has stopped. The best way to avoid infection is to avoid submerging your fresh tattoo in water for a full month.
Avoid direct sun on your fresh tattoo for at least 2 weeks, and do not apply sunscreen on the area unless it is fully healed: the chemicals in sunscreen can cause irritation, and it is best to keep it covered for an entire month. After your tattoo is fully healed, always apply sunscreen before going outside to keep your ink bright and beautiful!
Questions or concerns? Contact your artist directly or Heirloom Arts staff at heirloomartskzoo@gmail.com. We are always happy to do touch-ups if you experience any ink loss or fall out!
If this is your first time using a second skin product, keep an eye on the tattoo for the first hour or so to look for any reaction to the product. If you are having an allergic reaction (redness around the perimeter of the bandage or redness that is not from the tattooing process itself, excessive itchiness), remove the second skin ASAP using the following instructions.
Leave your initial second skin bandage on for 24-48 hours. During this time, some excess ink and plasma may collect in the bandage: this is normal and is good for healing the new tattoo.
After that time passes, run warm water over the bandaged area for around 15 minutes to loosen the adhesive. Slowly peel the bandage off from the corners: do not peel straight across the tattoo! Ask your artist for clarification on this if you need it. Take your time with this, because if you peel too fast, it can harm your skin and fresh ink.
With clean hands, wash the area with warm water and an anti-bacterial, unscented, non-foaming soap, rinsing with cold water.
Air dry or pat dry with a paper towel.
If your artist gave you a second bandage, you can apply that and leave it for 3-5 days. Before you re-apply, make sure the tattoo is clean, fully dry and does not have any pet hair or fibers in the area.
If you end up with any leaks or breaks in the seal of the second skin bandage, remove the bandage and follow normal aftercare instructions below. You never have to leave the second skin on, as it is fine to switch to normal aftercare at any time!
After removing the second skin, wash your tattoo with unscented soap once in the morning and once at night for 3-5 days.
If you have any flaking or scabbing, do not pick at the tattoo or try to “help” peel any scabbing off, this will damage your tattoo and lead to ink loss.
Once the flaking stage has started, you can apply small amounts of unscented lotion–if you see streaks in the product, you have used too much and you will need to remove some of the lotion. Avoid oversaturating the tattoo with lotion or using a heavier/petroleum-based lotion as it can cause ink loss.
Your tattoo may become itchy during healing. It is important that you do not scratch at it, do not mess with it and generally leave it alone. If you have to, wear looser long sleeves/pants, or clothing that does not allow you to have easy access to the tattoo!
For the entire month after your tattoo, do not go swimming, take a bath (showers are fine), or generally submerge the fresh tattoo in water. Water can carry bacteria and submerging can still lead to infection even once the flaking/scabbing has stopped: avoiding submerging in water for a full month is the best way to avoid infection.
Avoid direct sun on your fresh tattoo for at least 2 weeks, especially while it is still under the second skin product, and do not apply sunscreen on the area: the chemicals in sunscreen can affect healing and it is best to just keep it covered for the entire month. After your tattoo is fully healed, always apply sunscreen before going outside to keep your ink bright and beautiful!
Questions or concerns? Contact your artist directly, or Heirloom Arts staff at heirloomartskzoo@gmail.com. We are always happy to do touch-ups if something heals poorly!